How to make custom conversion events in Facebook

May 17, 2019
How to make custom conversion events in Facebook

In this blog I’ll go over how to create a custom conversion event in Facebook ads. This is extremely helpful when your conversion event fires off of a /thank-you or /success page.

Setting up a custom conversion event
  1. 1. Log into your Facebook Business Manager
  2. 2. Go to your ad account
  3. 3. Select the menu in the top left and go to custom conversions:
  4. 4. Select create custom conversion:
  5. 5. Enter the URL rules in which you want to track events:

  1. a. When creating the URL rules it’s very important to set them up properly to only track what you want Facebook to count as a conversion. For example, if you make a rule of ‘url contains success’      Facebook will track anytime someone goes to a page that has “success” in the URL as a conversion. If you have a blog with a URL that contains “/keys-to-success”, a page view of that blog will fire the Facebook conversion. It’s best to have your thank-you or success pages start with that. For example, /thank-you-order-complete. You can then create a rule like ‘url contains /success’. With a rule like that, Facebook won’t count a page view of your /keys-to-success blog as a conversion. Note that it will count a conversion for a page view of /successtory, which is why your thank-you page url scheme needs to be well thought through.
  1. 6. Select create and you’re all set!

You can create as many custom conversion events as you’d like to track as many important actions as you may have. Although, at Four15 Digital we strongly advise to have one unique “thank-you” or ”success” page that all your events direct a user to after taking the action – e.g. if there are multiple ways to make a purchase or multiple lead forms, you can use one conversion event if they all end with the same thank-you URL. This is because Facebook reports all conversions in their ‘results’ column and will not total the results of mixed conversion events for you in the platform.

Don’t hesitate to reach out if you have any other questions about setting up your custom conversion events for Facebook.