6 Awesome Google Ads Ad and Ad Extension Templates

September 20, 2018
There are 6 different types of ad templates within the excel sheet
  • Responsive
  • extended text
  • site links
  • callout extensions
  • structured snippets
  • responsive search ads

Advertisers can simply select the respective worksheet in which the wanted ad template resides and begins to fill out the columns with content. Each required column includes an adjoining column directly to the right that contains a character count formula which counts the characters in the required column. The character counter will remain green until the maximum character limit is reached and then will turn red. Each ad has different character limits for their required fields. These character limits are included as a note in the corresponding header cell, above the character counter.

Once the desired ads are created, log into Google Ads Editor and use the left navigation section to select the type of ad you want to upload. Once selected, click the “make multiple changes” button at the top of the page. A blank table will appear where you can paste the data from the Excel spreadsheet. From the Ad template spreadsheet, select the data starting from row 2 to the very last row that contains your new ad content and copy it (keyboard shortcut: Ctrl+C). Then paste this data into the blank table in Google Ads Editor (keyboard shortcut: Ctrl+V).

*Note that Campaign and Ad Group data is not required for import, but if it is not included when you copy and paste into Google Ads Editor, you will be required to manually specify where you want the new copy to be placed in your account.

After the ad template data is pasted into the blank table each column should be automatically and correctly named. Some columns may say “not importing.” If this appears above one of the required fields, you will need to manually select the correct mapping from the drop-downs at the top of the window. The final step is to press the “process” button and the ads will all be uploaded into the correct campaigns and ad groups.